Fashion Friday

Making Casual Fridays Extinct Since 2012

Fashion Friday 1/8/16 - Tassel Town

Fashion FridayComment

So, it's been a minute since the last official posting, and even though the social media has kept moving along, this site needed some attention!  So, we're back in the new year with a new commitment to keep the posts coming! 

To start with, it took me a little while, but I'm now on the tassels bandwagon. No longer do these cute little bundles belong at the ends of decorative rugs or drapery pulls - NO! They belong on your ears, on your necklace, and on your bags! I love the idea of a flexible tassel option (stay tunes to the Fashion Friday Etsy shop for the upcoming item!), so something you can convert from your bag to jewelry is right up my alley.

For now, however, lets take a look at the tassel jewelry accessories in some bright colors to help kick the cold weather blues...
